L8 Weekly Reflection

This week the workload has been light as it is a continuation of the previous week. My adword campaign has been approved and I am getting hits. But because I chose the home page as the landing page it means people looking for the contest have to search and I assume many do not like doing that. On the one hand asking a person to explore seems like a good idea because they then see all that is offered. But on the other hand many people want instant access to what they are looking for and do not want distractions and hassles.

I do admit I do not have a direct link to the contest page showing on the page… a person must click the menu first and then the contest link is there.Nevertheless I do not want to change my adword campaign just yet so I will make a link on my homepage  and see how that goes.

I appreciate the education through practice. Even if this endeavor does not offer any sales it will still help when I apply it to my husband’s BBQ sauce site.

For my Entrepreneur class this past week we read about a concept by Eric Ries called the Five Whys in essence one must keep asking questions until one gets to the root cause…which is generally human error. Admitting  I am wrong is tough but I know that when I do, I can then be better able to remedy the issue.




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