I am not doing so well with keeping up with my work. I am generally an A student. But sadly this term I am doing poorly in both of my business classes due to poor organization of my time. I have had children get married and move out – children moving to England who have to move out of their house and stay with me until time to leave – previous married child moves back in with wife – finally children/grandchildren leave to go to England (boo hoo/yay) -orthodontic appointments for a child – and a new church assignment to work with the young women with attendant meetings and planning meetings. Whew! And college classes. It makes me sad when I overlook an assignment. Getting an F or a C really stinks! (And you can quote me on that.)
This week in my B250 class in which we are learning how to create a working website we studied hosting sites and site builders. We used a formula to help us see the strengths and weaknesses of various sites. It is nice to have an excel page programmed with weighted categories so we can use it for a variety of decisions.
I have learned that in some aspects all the sites are very similar and in others they are quite different. I already knew and reiterated through this week’s scouring of the internet that I prefer drag and drop programs. I also like variety and good pictures or graphics. I chose to go with Weebly as my host as well as my site builder. Here is my site in a halfI like the ease of use and the lack of difficulty…although, that being said, I did have an issue with some text not posting properly this week. After some trial and error I was able to get my words to stay where I put them.
I do love creating websites my creative side really enjoys designing and choosing colors and laying out the pages. As time goes on and with consistent use I am sure I will have a smooth running operation going on.
Whether it ever earns money is an entirely different matter.