L 11 Weekly Reflection


These are getting harder to write as the assignments get harder. For me, the SEO optimization is hard.  I already think my page looks nice, so how can I see my own errors? It is the same with writing a story. I can read it over several times and not see anything to fix. Then I take it to my reading group and get my printed story back with marks all over it. In order to REALLY find ways to optimize means another set of eyes ar several sets need to take a look.

In our discussion group concerning the landing page for a running shoe provider it was very apparent that several viewers noticed many different things than I and others did. But the key things I can still look for is to assure that my ad and the landing page it links to mesh. That they both refer to the same thing. The keywords in the ad need to be written directly in the copy of the page or as a header.

Good tips were found here https://moz.com/blog/6-essential-ppc-landing-page-optimizations — essentially the six steps that usually work are:

1) Pre-Populate Cursor – A form a great way to  increase conversion rate, is to pre-populate the cursor into the first field.

2) Eye Contact –  have your subjects look in the directions of your call to action.

3) Testimonials –  Include testimonials somewhere on your landing page.

4) Point of Action Assurances –  Put trust icons (like McAfee) next to your submit buttons more people will click on them, these logos will in fact reinforce trust and increase conversion rates.

5) Match Headline with Intent – Work towards getting a Google AdWords quality score,including keyword relevance and ad copy – you should always make sure you’re getting the most from the headline of your landing page. Specifically, once visitors get to your landing pages, you should make sure you remind them that the site they’ve landing on is in fact exactly what they a) searched for and b) clicked on in your ad.

6) Drive a Single Call-to-Action – One of the most common mistakes we see is people trying to do too much with their landing pages. Focus on driving a single action.


For my page I decided to simplify by removing the game page, but I added a page for Intangience Magazine. Currently my focus is getting the first issue of the magazine published by the first week of April. Then, of course, I want buyers to be able to easily find it. So I will create ads for the landing page. But I will also make a noticeable ad on the homepage directing potential customers towards taking a look. A call to action on the magazine page will invite making a purchase as well as signing up for a newsletter.

I will look into having an ad with someone looking toward the button I want them to click. That should be fun. So this week’s learning was hard but still quite useful. I will work hard to make improvements.



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