Food, Glorious Food

We all have to eat. And fruits and veggies should be high on that list of things we consume. Sadly there are people like me who simply can’t make themselves eat the recommended servings every day. I mean, come on, anywhere between 5-13 servings are bandied about. Recently my doctor advised me to eat 7-8 servings.

Here is a sample of what that would look like:


Oatmeal, banana and a glass of milk


Apple sauce cup


Salad (with plenty of spinach and oranges or strawberries)


A main dish with a large serving of broccoli

And then after this I simply cannot consume anymore 🙁 But in reality my diet usually consisted of the oatmeal and the dinner…so really 2 servings of fruit or veggies a day was all I was taking in, so getting 5 servings is a vast improvement.

Even so here is a great fruity dessert that I enjoy from time to time.

My husband introduced it to me and his family called it Apple Snooty:

In a bowl combine a dollop of mayonnaise and a dollop of peanut butter with a teaspoon of sugar. (The dollop is from a tablespoon and is mounded quite a bit.)

Cut an apple into bite size bits and stir into the sauce. I add dried cranberries. The original recipe uses raisins.

That’s it. Enjoy!